Monday 21 September 2015

Shameless advertising!

The second part of Horror in computer games is coming soon, in the meantime here's some news you may (or may not!) be interested in.
Firstly from the 22nd of September 2015 until the 24th of September 2015 The Numinous will be free to download from Amazon! If you decide to download and read it, please leave a review if you can, all feedback is very appreciated.
Secondly, The Manifesting is now available on:

Finally I have decided to start reviewing other indie writers stuff over on my Website. To start with I can only accept short stories, ten thousand words or less, mainly due to real life commitments! Secondly I would prefer stuff that fits nicely in the Scifi/horror genre, mainly as it's my favourite!
If anyone is interested then please let me know here, on my website or send me an email at